Soccer Nostalgia Talk Podcast
In February 2020 I began a podcast with Shahan Petrossian of the Soccer Nostalgia website. The original idea was inspired by the Shoot! the Breeze podcast, where the presenters and guests discuss old editions of Shoot! and other football magazines. We intended to give our version an international flavour by using World Soccer magazine as the basis of each episode, initially from the 1980s where our formative football memories came from. We settled on Soccer Nostalgia Talk as our podcast title, giving an accurate description of the content!
After three episodes, we were unexpectedly contacted by Oronde Ash, who had played international football, representing St Vincent & the Grenadines at the 1995 Gold Cup in California, and has since had a long coaching career in the US. After our interview with Oronde, we decided to concentrate on this format for future podcasts. Soccer Nostalgia Talk developed into conversations with authors, coaches, fans, historians and journalists about different aspects of the game worldwide.
We have an ongoing series on various national teams – Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, England, Italy, the Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland and Uruguay – and domestic leagues. We have also been able to discuss the origins of football in different countries, and individuals who have shaped its development, with enthusiastic experts. Shahan and I have learned a great deal during the course of these conversations and hope to continue to expand our podcast content.

With many thanks to all of our contributors so far: Jo Araf, Daniel Arce, Oronde Ash, Christoph Bähr, Chris Bayes, Esteban Bekerman, Wolfgang Berger, Michael Blohm, Damir Bojić, Mark Bowman, Roberto Brambilla, James and George Brown, Gavin Buckland, Simon-Peter Charamza, Joško Čučuk, Stanley Cunha, Gareth Dace, Dušan Danilović, Jeremy Davies, Rocco Dean, Paul Dekkers, Nacho Dimari, Jakub Drożdż, Christopher Evans, Rob Fielder, Rob Fletcher, Tom Flight, Ryan Foley, Djamshid Foroughi, Harald Füner, Vadim Furmanov, Bob Gansler, Susan Gardiner, Clark Gillies, Tom Griffiths, Rick Holden, Dominic Hougham, Patrick Horne, Alex Jackson, Ronald Jager, Thorsten Keller, Christian Klein, Christopher Lash, Clemente Lisi, Roland Löffler, Carles Lozano, Simon MacMichael, Gavin H. MacPhee, Tom McCabe, Barry McDevitte, Alan McDougall, Tony McLaughlin, Julie McNeill, Aldo Mazzucchelli, Andy Mitchell, Eduardo Monsanto, Ivan Muhov, Stephen Murray, Davey Naylor, John O’Carroll, Dylan O’Connell, Pål Ødegård, Roberto Pennino, Miguel Lourenço Pereira, Hal Phillips, Steve Pye, Torge R., David A.J. Reynolds, Jan Roskott, Davide Eskelund Rota, Achim Schregle, Franco Spicciariello, David Stuart, Nils Suling, Karan Tejwani, Elmar Thomas, Salvador Torres, George Tsitsonis, Cătălin Tudose, Jurryt van de Vooren, Stefan Van Loock, Sergio Vilariño, Peter Watson, José Inácio Werneck.
All podcasts can be found on Apple, Google Podcasts, Soccer Nostalgia and Spotify. Please contact myself or Shahan if you have any feedback, suggestions or thoughts on the series. Thank you for listening.
Episode List
Podcast #1 (Feb 2020): World Soccer, March 1988
Podcast #2 (Mar 2020): World Soccer, May 1983
Podcast #3 (Mar 2020): World Soccer, October 1986
Podcast #4 (Apr 2020): Interview with Oronde Ash (St Vincent & the Grenadines)
Podcast #5 (May 2020): England 1982-83 with Davey Naylor
Podcast #6 (May 2020): Interview with James and George Brown (US Soccer History)
Podcast #7 (May 2020): Mitropa Cup with Jo Araf
Podcast #8 (May 2020): Republic of Ireland 1982-83 with John O’Carroll
Podcast #9 (June 2020): Italy 1982-83 with Franco Spicciariello
Podcast #10 (June 2020): England 1983-84 with Davey Naylor
Podcast #11 (June 2020): Serie A 1982-83 with Franco Spicciariello
Podcast #12 (June 2020): Scotland 1982-83 with David Stuart and Clark Gillies
Podcast #13 (July 2020): ‘Pioneers of Early Football’
Podcast #14 (July 2020): Netherlands 1982-83 with Jan Roskott
Podcast #15 (July 2020): The career of Vittorio Pozzo with Jo Araf
Podcast #16 (July 2020): Interview with Bob Gansler, USA 1990 World Cup Coach (Shahan only)
Podcast #17 (July 2020): Republic of Ireland 1983-84 with John O’Carroll
Podcast #18 (Aug 2020): Lord Kinnaird and early football with Andy Mitchell
Podcast #19 (Aug 2020): England 1984-85 with Davey Naylor
Podcast #20 (Aug 2020): Italy 1983-84 with Franco Spicciariello
Podcast #21 (Aug 2020): Netherlands 1983-84 with Jan Roskott
Podcast #22 (Sept 2020): Scotland 1983-84 with David Stuart and Clark Gillies
Podcast #23 (Sept 2020): History of Uruguayan football with Aldo Mazzucchelli – part 1: Early years
Podcast #24 (Sept 2020): English League 1980-81 with Gavin Buckland and Steve Pye
Podcast #25 (Sept 2020): Interview with Oronde Ash and Lenny Taylor (St Vincent & the Grenadines at the 1995 Gold Cup)
Podcast #26 (Oct 2020): History of Argentinian football with Esteban Bekerman – part 1: Early years
Podcast #27 (Oct 2020): Argentina 1974-75 with Nacho Dimari
Podcast #28 (Oct 2020): Brazil 1980 with Eduardo Monsanto
Podcast #29 (Oct 2020): Football and the First World War with Dr Alex Jackson (thanks to Dr Alex Alexandrou of the Football & War Network)
Podcast #30 (Oct 2020): California Football Federation with Salvador Torres (Shahan only)
Podcast #31 (Oct 2020): Croatia 1990-94 with Joško Čučuk
Podcast #32 (Nov 2020): Hungary pre-War with David A.J. Reynolds
Podcast #33 (Nov 2020): Serie A 1983-84 with Franco Spicciariello
Podcast #34 (Dec 2020): Republic of Ireland 1984-85 with John O’Carroll
Podcast #35 (Dec 2020): England 1985-86 with Davey Naylor
Podcast #36 (Jan 2021): West Germany 1980-81 with Roberto Brambilla
Podcast #37 (Jan 2021): Brazil 1958 World Cup with José Inácio Werneck
Podcast #38 (Jan 2021): Norway 1990-91 with Pål Ødegård
Podcast #39 (Feb 2021): Soccertown USA documentary with Tom McCabe
Podcast #40 (Feb 2021): The career of Josef Bican with Jo Araf
Podcast #41 (Mar 2021): Italy 1984-85 with Franco Spicciariello
Podcast #42 (Mar 2021): Netherlands 1984-85 with Jan Roskott
Podcast #43 (Apr 2021): Scotland 1984-85 with David Stuart and Clark Gillies
Podcast #44 (Apr 2021): NASL ‘Black Pioneers’ with Patrick Horne
Podcast #45 (May 2021): History of Argentinian football with Esteban Bekerman – part 2: The 1920s
Podcast #46 (May 2021): Croatia 1994-95 with Joško Čučuk
Podcast #47 (June 2021): English League 1981-82 with Gavin Buckland and Steve Pye
Podcast #48 (June 2021): Argentina 1976 with Nacho Dimari
Podcast #49 (July 2021): History of Uruguayan football with Aldo Mazzucchelli – part 2: The 1920s
Podcast #50 (July 2021): Bundesliga 1982-83 with Roberto Brambilla
Podcast #51 (July 2021): Republic of Ireland 1985-86 with John O’Carroll
Podcast #52 (Aug 2021): USSR 1986 World Cup with Vadim Furmanov
Podcast #53 (Aug 2021): England 1986-87 with Davey Naylor
Podcast #54 (Oct 2021): Hungary post-War with David A.J. Reynolds
Podcast #55 (Oct 2021): Interview with Rick Holden
Podcast #56 (Oct 2021): Spain 1982-83 with Sergio Vilariño
Podcast #57 (Oct 2021): Brazil 1981 with Eduardo Monsanto
Podcast #58 (Nov 2021): West Germany 1981-82 with Roberto Brambilla
Podcast #59 (Nov 2021): Brazil 1962 World Cup with José Inácio Werneck
Podcast #60 (Dec 2021): Netherlands 1985-86 with Jan Roskott
Podcast #61 (Dec 2021): Argentina 1977 with Nacho Dimari
Podcast #62 (Jan 2022): England 1987-88 with Davey Naylor
Podcast #63 (Jan 2022): Belgium at the 1982 World Cup with Stefan Van Loock (Shahan only)
Podcast #64 (Jan 2022): Portugal 1982-83 with Miguel Lourenço Pereira (Shahan only)
Podcast #65 (Feb 2022): Austria 1976-77 World Cup qualifiers with Wolfgang Berger and Simon-Peter Charamza
Podcast #66 (Feb 2022): Denmark 1979-80 with Davide Eskelund Rota
Podcast #67 (Mar 2022): East Germany 1974 World Cup with Alan McDougall
Podcast #68 (Apr 2022): Romania 1982-83 with Cătălin Tudose
Podcast #69 (Apr 2022): Serie A 1984-85 with Franco Spicciariello
Podcast #70 (May 2022): 1982 World Cup, 40th Anniversary Special – Memories of Frequent Guests (part 1)
Podcast #70 (May 2022): 1982 World Cup, 40th Anniversary Special – Memories of Frequent Guests (part 2)
Podcast #71 (May 2022): Republic of Ireland 1986-87 with John O’Carroll
Podcast #72 (May 2022): Poland 1974 World Cup with Christopher Lash
Podcast #73 (June 2022): English League 1982-83 with Gavin Buckland and Steve Pye
Podcast #74 (June 2022): Scotland 1985-86 with David Stuart
Podcast #75 (July 2022): 1980 European Championship with Rob Fielder
Podcast #76 (July 2022): Barcelona under Terry Venables with Carles Lozano
Podcast #77 (August 2022): Scottish football pioneer John William Madden with Tony McLaughlin
Podcast #78 (August 2022): Real Madrid’s ‘La Quinta del Buitre’ with Sergio Vilariño
Podcast #79 (Sept 2022): History of Argentinian football with Esteban Bekerman – part 3: The 1930s
Podcast #80 (Sept 2022): England 1988-89 with Davey Naylor
Podcast #81 (Oct 2022): James Brown book interview, Mud Blood and Studs
Podcast #82 (Oct 2022): Origins of football in Colombia with Dr. Peter Watson
Podcast #83 (Nov 2022): World Cup history with Clemente Lisi – 1990
Podcast #84 (Nov 2022): Republic of Ireland 1987-88 with John O’Carroll
Podcast #85 (Jan 2023): Iran 1978 World Cup with Djamshid Foroughi
Podcast #86 (Jan 2023): Poland 1992 Olympics with Jakub Drożdż
Podcast #87 (Feb 2023): History of Uruguayan football with Aldo Mazzucchelli – part 3: 1930 World Cup
Podcast #88 (Mar 2023): Peru 1970 World Cup with Daniel Arce
Podcast #89 (Mar 2023): Brazil 1966 World Cup with José Inácio Werneck
Podcast #90 (Apr 2023): Croatia 1995-96 with Joško Čučuk
Podcast #91 (Apr 2023): Brazil 1989 with Stanley Cunha (part 1)
Podcast #91 (Apr 2023): Brazil 1989 with Stanley Cunha (part 2)
Podcast #92 (May 2023): Oldham Athletic 1989-94 with Tom Griffiths
Podcast #93 (May 2023): Celtic in Europe in the 1980s with Stephen Murray
Podcast #94 (June 2023): Hungary and the 1966 World Cup with David A.J. Reynolds (Shahan only)
Podcast #95 (July 2023): World Cup history with Clemente Lisi – 1994
Podcast #96 (August 2023): Argentina 1978 with Nacho Dimari
Podcast #97 (September 2023): Italy 1985-86 with Franco Spicciariello
Podcast #98 (September 2023): Spain 1983-84 with Sergio Vilariño (Shahan only)
Podcast #99 (September 2023): Republic of Ireland 1988-89 with John O’Carroll
Podcast #100 (October 2023): 1984 European Championship with Rob Fielder (Shahan only)
Podcast #101 (November 2023): Netherlands 1986-87 with Jan Roskott (Shahan only)
Podcast #102 (November 2023): England 1989-90 with Davey Naylor
Podcast #103 (December 2023): Colombian Football 1945-1962 with Dr. Peter Watson (Shahan only)
Podcast #104 (December 2023): Nottingham Forest in the 1990s with Jeremy Davies (Shahan only)
Podcast #105 (December 2023): PSV Eindhoven 1972-1980 with Ronald Jager (Shahan only)
Podcast #106 (January 2024): Brazil 1970 World Cup with José Inácio Werneck
Podcast #107 (January 2024): Diego Maradona at Napoli with Clemente Lisi (Shahan only)
Podcast #108 (January 2024): SV Hamburg 1977-87 with Michael Blohm (Shahan only)
Podcast #109 (January 2024): Author Hal Phillips, discussing his book ‘Generation Zero: Founding Fathers, Hidden Histories & the Making of Soccer in America’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #110 (January 2024): Otto Rehhagel at Werder Bremen with Nils Suling and Christoph Bähr – Part 1 (1981 to 1988) (Shahan only)
Podcast #111 (February 2024): Republic of Ireland 1989-90 with John O’Carroll
Podcast #112 (March 2024): Denmark 1980-81 with Davide Eskelund Rota (Shahan only)
Podcast #113 (March 2024): Otto Rehhagel at Werder Bremen with Nils Suling and Christoph Bähr – Part 2 (1988 to 1995) (Shahan only)
Podcast #114 (March 2024): Barcelona under Johan Cruyff with Carles Lozano – Part 1 (1988 to 1992) (Shahan only)
Podcast #115 (March 2024): Austria 1978 World Cup with Wolfgang Berger (Shahan only)
Podcast #116 (March 2024): Author Christopher Evans, discussing his book ‘Los Leones: The Unique Story of Athletic Club Bilbao’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #117 (April 2024): Northern Ireland at the 1982 World Cup with Barry McDevitte (Shahan only)
Podcast #118 (April 2024): Serie A 1985-86 with Franco Spicciariello (Shahan only)
Podcast #119 (April 2024): Aberdeen in Europe in the 1980s with Stephen Murray (Shahan only)
Podcast #120 (April 2024): Yugoslavia at Euro 84 with Damir Bojić (Shahan only)
Podcast #121 (May 2024): Experiences of a Scottish Genoa fan in the 1990s with Simon MacMichael
Podcast #122 (May 2024): Author George Tsitsonis, discussing his book ‘Achieving the Impossible – The Remarkable Story of Greece’s Euro 2004 Victory’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #123 (May 2024): Brazil 1990 with Stanley Cunha (Shahan only)
Podcast #124 (May 2024): Author Roberto Pennino, discussing his book ‘Immortal Torino: How the Superga Air Crash Robbed Italian Football of its Champions’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #125 (May 2024): English Football in the inter-war years of the 1920s and 30s with Dr Alex Jackson (Shahan only)
Podcast #126 (June 2024): Author Dylan O’Connell, discussing his book ‘The Ajax Way: How One Football Club Defines the Modern Game’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #127 (June 2024): Louis van Gaal at Ajax 1991-97 with Christian Klein (Shahan only)
Podcast #128 (June 2024): Author Rocco Dean, discussing his book ‘The Sons of Revie: Leeds United’s Decade of Dominance’
Podcast #129 (June 2024): Peru 1978 World Cup with Daniel Arce (Shahan only)
Podcast #130 (July 2024): Dutch team in the Olympic Tournaments of the 1920s with Jurryt van de Vooren (Shahan only)
Podcast #131 (Aug 2024): Author and Poet Julie McNeill, discussing her book ‘We Are Scottish Football’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #132 (Aug 2024): A discussion about Shahan’s recent travel to Britain and the stadium/ground visits
Podcast #133 (Aug 2024): Author Karan Tejwani, discussing his book ‘The Thinkers’ Factory: How Italian Coaching Conquered the World’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #134 (Aug 2024): Author Ryan Foley, discussing his book ‘Manchester City – The Genuine Soap Opera Club’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #135 (Sept 2024): Author Gavin H. MacPhee, discussing his book ‘Connecting the Continent: The Birth of the European Cup and Football’s Golden Age’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #136 (Sept 2024): Author Dominic Hougham, discussing his book ‘Fifty Great World Cup Matches: …and Why You Should Watch Them!’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #137 (Sept 2024): Author Rob Fletcher, discussing his book ‘Chaos, Controversy and THAT Kung-Fu Kick: 94/95 The Premier League’s Most Dramatic Season’
Podcast #138 (Sept 2024): Borussia Mönchengladbach in the 1970s with Thorsten Keller and Elmar Thomas (Shahan only)
Podcast #139 (Oct 2024): Author Gareth Dace, discussing his book ‘Is Gascoigne Going to Have a Crack?: Spurs in the 90s, Magic, Mayhem and Mediocrity’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #140 (Oct 2024): 1988 European Championship with Rob Fielder (Shahan only)
Podcast #141 (Oct 2024): Brazil 1974 World Cup with José Inácio Werneck (Shahan only)
Podcast #142 (Oct 2024): Italy 1986-87 with Franco Spicciariello (Shahan only)
Podcast #143 (Oct 2024): Yugoslavia at the 1974 World Cup with Dušan Danilović (Shahan only)
Podcast #144 (Nov 2024): Argentina 1979 with Nacho Dimari (Shahan only)
Podcast #145 (Nov 2024): Author Rocco Dean, discussing his book ‘The O’Leary Years: Football’s Greatest Boom and Bust’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #146 (Nov 2024): Napoli 1988/89 UEFA Cup with Clemente Lisi (Shahan only)
Podcast #147 (Nov 2024): Liverpool during the Roy Evans era (1994-98) with Chris Bayes (Shahan only)
Podcast #148 (Nov 2024): Bulgaria at the 1986 World Cup with Ivan Muhov (Shahan only)
Podcast #149 (Nov 2024): Liverpool in the 1996/97 Cup Winners’ Cup with Chris Bayes (Shahan only)
Podcast #150 (Nov 2024): 1997 World Cup qualifying play-offs between Australia and Iran with Mark Bowman and Djamshid Foroughi (Shahan only)
Podcast #151 (Dec 2024): Author Greg Lansdowne, discussing his book ‘Panini Legends: A Celebration of the World’s Greatest Football Stickers’
Podcast #152 (Dec 2024): West Germany 1982/83 with Achim Schregle and Torge R. (Shahan only)
Podcast #153 (Dec 2024): Bayern Munich during the Paul Breitner/Karl-Heinz Rummenigge ‘Breitnigge’ era (1978-1983) with Harald Füner and Roland Löffler (Shahan only)
Podcast #154 (Dec 2024): Author Tom Flight, discussing his book ‘Yer Joking Aren’t Ya?: The Story of Middlesbrough FC’s 1996/97 Season’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #155 (Dec 2024): PSV Eindhoven during the Bobby Robson era (1990-1992) with Paul Dekkers (Shahan only)
Podcast #156 (Dec 2024): Author Susan Gardiner, discussing her book ‘Ipswich Town – a History (2013)’ (Shahan only)
Podcast #157 (Dec 2024): The three Italy vs. England matches in 1997 with Davey Naylor (Shahan only)